Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time to Spring Clean and Freshen Your Home's Interior

Spring is here and it is a great time to freshen up your home. Don't be disappointed that you don't have funds to go shopping and buy new things. That is the easy way out! You may be surprised that what you already have in your house can be brought out of storage, drawers or your attic or existing pieces can be rearranged to give you a great new look. Challenging economic times makes the creative juices spark higher! While you are dusting the winter dust and cobb webs away, open old boxes and go through drawers of linens to see if there may be a treasure hiding.

Last week I visited neighbor who was frustrated did not know what to do in her home with her limited funds. I am hearing this more frequently now. I visited her and started talking about specific areas. As we walked the house, she was remembering things she had packed away - old linens that she thought did not work in her house, antiques from family, etc. She brought them out and we found new places for them. We also rearranged some furniture to give the rooms a new look and focus and made the spaces support her lifestyle better.

While reviewing your rooms, consider items that really don't help the space and create clutter. More is not better. Creating focal points in spaces that are primary, then adding other items to support the focal point is a great way to organize your spaced and give a controlled, organized look.

Use this down time to clean out clutter, and freshen up your home while keeping your budget in tact. If you have to go shopping, there are some great deals that you can take advantage of. I have noticed thrift stores opening up all over the place and a flurry of yard sales. You may be surprised what you may find that is right in front of your eyes!